Almost 25 years ago, I discovered a marketing idea which changed my life. It allowed me to go from being broke at the age of 21, to financially secure for life in around 8 years.
Today, I am going to share it with you!
Marketing and me: 1987 style
When I started out in marketing, one of the many marketing experts I studied was Jay Abraham. Unlike most of today’s top marketing authors, who tend to focus on sharing interesting concepts, Jay focused on making money. Jay would give you a nugget of information, which you could pick up and use there and then, to start making more sales.
Ironically, although Jay was working in content marketing a decade or more, before today’s Internet marketing gurus appeared, he hasn’t embraced social media and many of you will never have heard of him. It was one of Jay’s real world marketing ideas, which started me off in content marketing: Though back in 1987 we called it consultative selling.
The idea behind consultative selling was simple:
- You operated as a consultant – Not as a salesperson.
- You shared knowledge – You didn’t sell.
I focused on building a reputation as a knowledgeable expert, by sharing valuable information or content. I did radio interviews. I wrote articles for business magazines. I spoke to groups of business people. Remember, this was pre Internet. It’s a lot easier today!
Pretty soon, I had influential decision makers calling me, because they automatically associated me with whatever industry I was working in at the time. I was able to meet with people that the sales guys couldn’t get near. I was also able to build a huge referral network, because people were always happy to refer me to their contacts; knowing I didn’t push anything on anyone.
By the age of just 29, I had made so much money that I was able to leave a highly paid job, to set up my marketing business. Of course, 16 years on we now have; blogs, newsletters, webinars, podcasts and social networks to share knowledge and consultative selling has been rebranded as content marketing.
I can honestly tell you that since the day I started this business, have never had to actually sell anything to anyone or spend a penny on advertising. I have always attracted 100% of my clients via content marketing and today, I show business owners like yourself how to do the same. It’s a great way to build a highly successful business.
The name may have changed from consultative selling, to content marketing, but the results have remained consistently amazing.