If you want to attract your ideal profile of client and get more word of mouth referrals, this post is written just for you.
The power of focus
When you focus on delighting a segment of your potential clients, rather than trying to appeal to all of them, you give them a reason to talk about you.
Here’s why.
Those who your work and marketing is targeted toward, will feel as if you truly understand them. Your marketing messages will also feel directly relevant to them. When people in your targeted niche feel that way about you and your work, they tell their friends. Many of these friends will have a similar mindset and value your approach too. Birds of a feather and all that.
Soon, not only are you attracting more targeted clients, you are attracting more word of mouth referrals than before. Just as importantly, you are attracting word of mouth referrals from people who are a great fit for you and your business.
The key is to focus exclusively on delighting, (providing a Meaningful Difference), to a targeted niche of your marketplace. These should be the people, who are your ideal profile of client. No compromising.
In short: Be directly relevant to those you most want to attract. Delight them… then watch your work spread.