If you want to develop a high quality, large network of ‘followers’ on twitter; you will find what I am about to share with you extremely interesting!
As you know, the best way to build any high quality network, is to make sure you are connecting with the right kind of people for you and your business.
And now, through jimsmarketingblog.com I am going to help you do EXACTLY that!
As of right now, every time you leave a comment here, you will be able to add your twitter user name to your post, using the comment form!
This will automatically link straight to your Twitter profile – so potential new ‘followers’ will be able to follow you in seconds!
How will it help you?
I network with over ten thousand people on twitter and as a result, a massive percentage of this blog’s readers are twitter users. By reading the comments you leave here, people can decide if you are the kind of person that’s right for their network.
My goal is to help YOU develop a great network of ‘twitter associates‘, by making it easier for people with shared outlooks and objectives to connect with you!
Commenting ‘Twitter Style’
In true twitter style, I would like to offer you the chance to tell my readers about yourself, in 140 characters or less!
One comment per user please – enjoy!