Do you write a blog?
Are you thinking about blogging or taking your blog more seriously?
In either case, I believe you will find this post really useful.
As regular readers will recall, I wrote a post last month about the results I have seen, since I increased the frequency of my blogging from around 1 post a week to 6 or more posts a week. This is part 2 of that post; Why bloggers post every day. I suggest you read part 1 before you continue, as it contains some very interesting findings, which could really help you!
However, since writing that post I’ve noticed another interesting development, which I want to share with you.
More visible, more mentioned
It’s now a month since I started blogging almost daily and in addition to the results I covered in part 1 of this post, I am now starting to see a significant increase in the number of times that this blog get mentioned. These mentions range from people citing this blog (or me) in their blog posts and articles, through to an increase in the number of times I see the blog and myself mentioned across Twitter, Facebook, forums and newsletters etc.
Why is this happening and what can we learn from it?
As I said in part 1 of this post, there was a significant growth in reader numbers here, as the frequency of my posts increased. A larger reader-base obviously gets your blog and your name on more peoples radar. The more people aware of you and what you do, the greater the chances are that you will get mentioned.
Of course, this then alerts new people to your blog and your work, increasing the size of your readership and thus the process feeds itself.
Here’s something special
By getting good quality information in front of people regularly, I believe you also become a more integrated part of your readers daily experience. Many readers will position you very differently too.
You, (the blogger) become a regular part of their working day. Your blog becomes a growing repository of answers and ideas, a knowledge-base that your readers can rely on. If you can understand what’s happening there, it’s so powerful that it’s almost magical.
Share your experiences
Do you tend to subscribe to blogs that are updated more regularly or less regularly?
How often do you think a business to business blog should be updated?
If you are a blogger yourself and you have either increased or decreased the frequency with which you post, what kind of feedback have you seen?
Please join in the conversation and share your feedback!