I know a lot of business owners, who work a minimum of 10 hours a day. Some work even more. In most cases, it’s completely unnecessary.
Sure, they may be spending 10 hours at work, but they could do everything that needs to be done, correctly, in far less time.
Time sucks
Instead, their time gets sucked up with things like:
- Unnecessary phone calls.
- Underutilising technology.
- Attending too many meetings.
- Writing over-long emails.
- Poor delegation.
- Lack of planning.
If you want to find the fluff in your working day, ask yourself the following question:
“How would you change your work flow, if you could work a maximum of 5 hours a day, for the next 3 months?”
Write your answers down. Anything in your work flow, which you would remove or improve if you had just 5 working hours a day, should be acted on. Try it for a few days and see what happens.
You may find an extra few hours a day. You may only find you save one hour a day… but still worth the effort, no?
PS: If you want to earn more and work fewer hours, here’s a great tip for you!