If you want to see a massive, measurable improvement in your business, today’s post is just for you!
I want to start with an interesting question: Why do businesses in the same industry, serving the same marketplace, have such different results? Some will thrive, whilst others stagnate, struggle or go broke.
One way to understand why this happens is to consider the following scenario.
Imagine you’re at a boating lake
You spot someone, who is standing with one foot in a boat and the other foot on the bank of the lake. Instead of either stepping into the boat or stepping onto dry land, they can’t decide what’s the best thing to do. So, they stand there between the two, flailing their arms around trying to keep their balance. Unless they take decisive action, they will fall into the lake.
Business owners who struggle are like the person trying to balance between the boat and the lake. They know their business needs them to take decisive action, but they don’t want to leave their comfort zone and do what’s required. So, they have one foot in their comfort zone and one foot in their business. They want improvement without change. Improvement without change is impossible.
The stories we tell ourselves
Every day I hear business owners complain about their business, as if their challenge was somehow unique or unsolvable. They have a story they share. You’ve heard it too. They say, “I’ve tried everything to grow my business, but nothing worked”.
What they really mean is that they tried everything within their comfort zone and nothing worked.
Rather than leave their comfort zone and grow, they choose to tell a story to themselves.
They say that their business somehow defies the laws of business… that marketing only works when other businesses do it. They repeat this story, instead of accepting that their DIY marketing is a waste of time and money. They repeat the story, because it’s easier than leaving their comfort zone to get the help they need. They see less risk in doing what’s familiar, even when it’s failing, than doing what’s right.
Two questions you need to answer
What story are you telling yourself about your business? More importantly, how well is that story working for you and your business? If you want better results, it’s time to make better decisions. Tell yourself a story about your business, where you are in control of your future.
Then make the decision to take action. To do what’s required. To leave your comfort zone and get the help you need for your business to succeed.