In business, we need to ensure we don’t mistake silence for satisfaction.
Why? Because many people, perhaps most people, dislike confrontation. So, when they experience an average or even below average service, rather than complain they will simply say nothing.
At least not to the business owner! This often leaves business owners with a silent problem that could be hurting their business.
Here’s the challenge this creates
- Some customers are too polite to complain about a product that disappoints them. However, they won’t buy from the provider again and they will tell their friends.
- Some diners are too polite to complain about poor quality food at a restaurant. However, they won’t eat there again and they will tell their friends.
- Some clients are too polite to complain about the poor service they receive. However, they won’t use that service again and they will tell their friends.
As a business owner, you need to look past the silence. Here are just a small number of clues that could suggest you have an issue:
- If you don’t receive regular word of mouth referrals from your clients.
- If your attrition rate is poor [the length of time you retain your clients].
- If you seldom receive praise or gratitude from your clients or customers.
- If too few clients or customers use your service / buy from you, and don’t return.
If you want to know what your clients are really thinking, look at their actions. Talk to them, sure, however, pay very close attention to what they do… and what they fail to do.