I originally hoped to publish a post today. The challenge was, I couldn’t think of anything useful to share with you. And when I can’t think of something you’ll find useful, I leave it.
Then it hit me… that message, in itself, is pretty useful.
Allow me to explain: It’s useful to know that the only time you should publish a newsletter, podcast, video or blog post, etc., is when you have something useful for your audience.
Otherwise, it’s all about you
Which is fine if you’re a celebrity and people want to know all about you. But if you’re just a regular business person, like me, people want something they can use. An idea. A tip. A quick insight. Whatever.
So, before you hit publish, ask yourself: Is this likely to be useful or is it just adding to the noise? If you believe people will find it useful, publish.
Nothing we publish is going to be useful to everyone. But if we start off from the useful mindset, we’re less likely to write stuff just for the sake of it.