Your website looks great, but you’re not getting the marketing results you need from it. If that sounds familiar, today’s post is written specifically for you.
Let’s go.
Your site is either working for your business or it isn’t. In order for it to work, it has to do 2 things extremely well.
- Prospective clients or customers need to find what they’re looking for, quickly.
- When they’ve found it, your site must motivate them to take the required action.
That’s where your focus has to be.
Occasionally you’ll find an amazing designer who totally gets this. But they’re rare in the typical, small business price range. So, you’ll end up with a cool looking website, but the copy / messaging will be ineffective.
Your site’s task is to be a sales generating machine for you and your business. Period. It should be, and it could be, one of your most valuable business assets.
If your site isn’t delivering a predictable, continuous flow of sales or new clients, fix it. Make the content more compelling. Use words that inspire prospects to hire you or buy from you.
A good place to start is by finding a new copywriter. This is especially the case if you wrote the current copy yourself. Your new, motivating copy will start working for you as soon as it’s live on your site. It’s one of those areas where immediate marketing results happen.
This is a powerful, fast-acting improvement you can make to your marketing. Something that can quickly increase your sales figures. So, what are you waiting for?