Many important decisions your prospective customer or client make, are well on their way to being made within seconds.
Think about it.
- Open an email and in seconds, you’ll decide if it’s important or an instant delete.
- Read the title of an article or newsletter and in seconds, you’ll decide to read it or scroll past it.
- Read the marketing messages of any company and in seconds, you’ll have a good idea if their product or service is suitable for you.
- Enter any store and in seconds, you’ll get a feel for whether the place is likely to be expensive, inexpensive, thriving, quiet, independent, national chain, aimed at a certain age-range and so on.
- Talk with a service provider and in seconds, you’ll start deciding if they’re professional or not.
- Return a faulty product to a store, and in seconds you’ll know how helpful or accommodating they’re likely to be.
In the same way that you and I start to form our opinions within seconds, so do our prospects. That’s why we need to create a strong first impression.
Here’s a useful way to get started
Take some time to consider what you want your prospects to feel about your business, in order for them to buy from you or hire you. Universally, you will need prospects to feel they can trust you. Other feelings will vary depending on things like your industry, the type of prospects you seek to serve and the way you’ve positioned your business. For some of you that will be exciting, creative, cutting edge and dynamic. For others that will be safe, consistent, secure and established.
Then think of all the places where your prospects are likely to encounter you or your business. The places where initial opinions are formed in seconds. For example; on your website, at your premises, on your social media accounts, at a networking group, through an advertisement, on a webinar, at a conference or event, etc.
Make a list. Write it down.
At this point you know how you want your prospects to feel, and the places where they’re likely to encounter you.
It’s now time to check out how consistent your business/brand is with those feelings, in those places. Anything that’s inconsistent needs to be removed, or replaced with a consistent alternative. As you go through this process in each of the relevant places, you’ll make it easier and easier for prospects to choose your business.
And remember, your prospects will form their initial impressions of you and your business, regardless. So, take control.
Help them to feel that you’re exactly what they’re looking for. The best fit. And the obvious choice.