Here is a simple marketing tip, to help you quickly improve your mail shot, email marketing and blogging response rates.
Even if your marketing message is irresistible, you will only get the maximum return form it, if you get it in front of people at the right time. This holds true, regardless of what form of marketing you use – though in this post I will focus on; mail shots, email marketing and blog posts.
Mail shot response rates
If you send a business to business mail shot out, which people receive first thing Monday morning, it will typically get a lower response rate than the same mailing would, if it arrived on a Tuesday – Friday morning. Letters that arrive on Monday morning, have to fight for the reader’s attention, against all the other Monday mail PLUS all the mail that arrived on Saturday. Equally, Monday morning is usually a particularly busy time for most businesses, meaning the reader often has less time to read their mail too.
In short, by arriving first thing Monday morning, your mailing could be reaching people who have less time to read it and it will have to compete for their attention, against a lot more mail. Does avoiding the Monday morning post make a massive difference? No, but it will usually give you a better return. Now, as it costs you the same to send a mail shot, regardless of what day you post it, it makes sense to avoid Monday’s and improve your response rates.
Whether you sell business to business or direct to the consumer, you need to find out when your target audience is most likely to have the time to read your message. This is why testing and measuring your marketing feedback is so important.
Email marketing response rates
Timing is also important for email marketing. In my experience, you should get business to business marketing emails out during office hours; again avoiding Monday mornings.
For example, the best time to send my marketing newsletter, is after 9:30am Tuesday – Friday. I have tested and measured this for almost 4 years and the results are constant. Think about it and it makes perfect sense. If Sue gets into her office Monday morning and finds my newsletter in with 30 pieces of spam or junk email, that arrived since she left work on Friday evening, it’s way too easy for her to delete the newsletter by mistake.
It also makes it harder for her to actually see my newsletter, in with all that clutter and junk.
Blog post viewing numbers
I have spoken to many, many business bloggers who have all found that their weekend posts are usually read by far fewer people than their weekday posts. Clearly, a lot of people disconnect from their business or job between Friday evening and Monday morning.
However, a lot of bloggers write their blog posts during the weekend, because it’s the only time they have available to write – Then publish their posts immediately. In my experience, this is not usually the best way to maximise your reach.
I find that when I publish a post on a Saturday, the post will usually get just 25% as many views as it would have got, if I published the same kind of post during the week. On a Sunday the numbers are usually a lot higher, but still 50% lower than a midweek post. So, if you only post once a week or less and you write a business to business blog, avoid publishing your content during the weekend. It’s fine to write posts whenever you like, but businesspeople read in greater numbers during the working week.
Of course, if you blog 7 days a week like many professional bloggers, this is far less of an issue.
Your experiences?
I would love to know if YOU have noticed any time-related trends, when you send or publish marketing material. If you have anything to add, please share it below.