Here’s some GREAT news for anyone who needs to see better sales results in their business right now. You can massively boost your sales, by making just minor adjustments!
That’s right, you can improve the success of your marketing enormously, my making tiny changes to what you already do.
For example, you can increase the success rate of a mail shot by 500-900% or more, by improving the headline, (sometimes called a strap line by trendy marketing people.)
A brilliant headline will encourage more people to start reading the letter, and the more people who read it, the better it’s chances of success.
A quick 350% increase, right here!
I recently changed one small thing on this blog and have achieved a huge, 350% increase in subscribers to my marketing newsletter. What did I do? I added that small rectangle box at the end of each post, which lets people know they will get a free ebook from me (10 secrets of success) if they subscribe to my newsletter.
I also used that box to ask people to subscribe to my blog’s RSS feed. Guess what? Yep, a 120% increase in RSS subscribers too!
I once suggested to a business owner, that she changed the sign outside her store, so that it had the words; “come in” added to it. She reported an immediate increase of around 8% more people coming into the shop. This, over the space of a year, equated to hundreds of ‘new’ customers and tens of thousands in extra sales.
If you are looking to boost sales significantly, here’s a suggestion. Before you go and spend a ton of money, make sure you’re not missing something simple, which could boost your sales and profits massively.
Your experiences
What small changes have you made to your marketing or seen others make, which has produced great results? Share your feedback with is!