Today, I want to help you and your business attract more word-of-mouth than ever before. I want to help you create an crowd of people, queuing down the street, just to get a peep of what all the buzz surrounding your business is about.
It starts here.
When you look at the vast majority of websites in any niche, it gives you an extremely accurate insight as to why so many businesses fail. Very, very few of them stand out as being worth talking about.
UVSP’s and Purple Cows
In 1995, I was telling small business owners to develop what I called a UVSP (Uniquely Valuable Selling Proposition.) This was my version of the USP (Unique Selling Proposition), which I have always believed to be incorrect. It’s not enough to be unique, without offering unique value. In 2002, Seth Godin wrote about this in his best-selling book, Purple Cow. UVSP or Purple Cow, it amounts to the same thing; a product or service, which stands out for being of unique value. Something with an interesting and attractive story.
Most small businesses stay small, because they do the opposite. They don’t offer unique value. They are too similar to their competitors. Their story isn’t interesting, so no one talks about them.
How similar are your competitors? Check out the blogs or websites of 10 of your competitors and look at what they have to say. Look at what they offer. Look at their testimonials, their promises, their guarantees. Notice how amazingly alike they are. In almost every case, their messages could be swapped around and I am not sure anyone would notice.
They want word-of-mouth referrals, but give the marketplace nothing worth talking about.
An alternative approach? Twylah
This weekend I spent a lot of time talking about Twylah, because it’s an interesting story worth sharing. I saw this video about how Twylah works on Robert Scoble’s blog and it blew me away. Their story was so compelling, that I wanted to tell people about it. It didn’t cost them a dime. It was their story, not their money, which compelled me to talk about them on Twitter and share the service with you in this post. In doing so, I have just spread the word to thousands of people.
And so… some of you will watch that video, listen to how valuable Twlyah could be for your marketing and tell others. Very soon, LOTS of people will be talking out it. It’s a valuable, easy to use marketing tool. That means it’s interesting to business owners. It’s the kind of thing we want to share with the people we know. You can check out my Twylah here.
BTW: If you look at the page without watching the video, you will think you’re looking at a clone. It’s pretty much the polar opposite and allows you to make money direct from your Twitter stream, without Tweeting ads etc. Ask them nicely and you may get an account. (It’s in the pilot phase right now.)
Remarkable. Interesting. Shareable.
Today, if you want your business to thrive or even survive, you have to break out of the sea of sameness and offer something that has unique value to your marketplace. Business has changed. Years ago, you could be just like all your competitors, but if you outspent them or out networked them, you would win the majority of the business. Today, your clients and prospective clients see their social media streams light up, as soon as one of your competitors announces a fresh, interesting way of doing business. News like that spreads through your marketplace via social networking sites very quickly.
So here’s my suggestion: Focus on developing a UVSP or Purple Cow of your own. Develop a uniquely valuable, remarkable way to be of service. Become one of those interesting stories, that your marketplace LOVE to be part of and share.
Make your business the one they are talking about!
Let’s work together and grow your business. To find out more click here!
Picture: Robert Scoble