If you want to enjoy massively better results from your business, you need to step back and look at the way things are right now. A great place to start, is to ask yourself the following question on a regular basis:
Am I making measurable progress in reasonable time?
I know business owners who are earning roughly the same today as they were 2 years ago. That’s not how you grow a successful business. That’s called stagnation. It’s stressful, unrewarding and 100% unnecessary.
Day by day, it’s easy to miss the fact that you are making little measurable progress. Small business owners who are working hard but getting little reward, don’t do so deliberately. They are simply unaware that they are repeating small errors, which are stopping their business from growing. They are like the guy trying to cut down a tree with a hammer. Lots of effort for very little progress.
The bottom line: If you are not making the progress you want, either figure out what’s blocking you or talk to someone who knows. Make the changes required and start getting the results your hard work deserves! Don’t make the mistake of hoping things will just get better. Hope is not a business strategy.