If you want to grow a successful business, you need to know exactly where you are and where you want to be. When that’s in place you need a plan to get you from A to B, based on your resources.
The way I achieve this with my clients is via a fact-finder, which I go through with them on our first session. I think you may find this useful. So, if you and I were working together today for the very first time, here’s part of what we would be doing right now:
- I would go through a series of questions with you, in order for me to get a clear picture of exactly where your business is today. This becomes the starting point of our journey.
- Next, I’d work with you to discover where you would like your business to be – What I call your ultimate business goal. If you are unclear or fuzzy regarding the specifics, I would work with you, so that you had the clarity you need. This becomes our destination and allows us to have all your marketing directed on a clear objective. (Many clients later say that after going through this with me, they achieved total clarity for the first time with their business.)
- Then, I would begin working with you for a whole year, to guide you from where you are, to where you want to be, based on your resources. All my work is based on attraction marketing, so your marketing would be designed to attract leads, clients or customers. You would have zero need to chase new business.
Get clear regarding where you are today
This is more than knowing what your turnover and profits are. It means looking at things like the type of clients you work for and the kind of fees you work for and determining if these are right for you. If not, we need to change them. For example, one of my current clients has increased her fees 3 times in the past year, achieving a massive increase in revenues and profits, whilst also attracting higher quality clients too. This must be handled correctly, but if it is, the rewards can be amazing.
Get clear regarding where you want to be
Many small business owners know that they want things to be better or that they want to earn more, but that’s not enough. You need to know what your ultimate goal for your business is. Do you want to sell it for as much money as possible? Do you want to pass it on to a family member? Do you want to develop it into a residual income stream for when you retire, (a business that requires just a few hours a week for a full time income), etc?
A lot of small business owners suffer from what I call mind fog; a term I use to describe the kind of fuzzy thinking that leads to businesspeople working hard, but without making real progress. This is like someone sailing their yacht, trying to find an island, but with no idea where that island is. They wouldn’t know how to set their sail, to make the best use of the wind or even if they were going in the right direction. Clarity is essential to your success, which is why I help provide crystal clear focus for my clients. However you achieve it, you need that clarity too.
Develop a plan
Once you know where you are and where you want to be, you need a plan that will show you how to make it happen. Your hard work needs to be directed effectively, so that you make the most progress, as swiftly as possible. This is a common area where small business owners and entrepreneurs in general get it wrong. Rather than developing a plan that’s been developed for their unique situation, resources and goals, they copy what they see others doing. That’s extremely ineffective.
You know a great deal about your service or products and how they benefit people. However, you probably know a lot less about how to develop your business, step-by-step, so that you are growing at the right pace, attracting the best clients and working for the most rewarding fees. When I work with a client, we develop a plan based on their unique situation, goals and resources. This is what you need. If you have tried emulating what you have seen others doing and found it has not worked for you, you will already know how frustrating and unrewarding it is. You need (and deserve) a better strategy than that!
Get moving
You also need to get moving. The best plan in the world will not work, unless you use it correctly. It helps enormously in business, when you have someone you can turn to, for the inspiration, motivation and encouragement you need; especially if they have already achieved what you are seeking to achieve. With my clients, I am on hand as their coach or mentor, to provide them with the motivation they need, in order to put their plans into action. They benefit from my experience, having achieved financial independence before I was 30, after being flat broke aged 21.
A part of your journey
Thousands of people read my work every day and allow me, even if in just a small way, to become a part of their journey.
Others work with me on the development of their business, where I coach or mentor them on how to make the progress they deserve; using the most effective marketing ideas, insights and strategies I know. They have me on hand, whenever required, to guide and support them or simply to share ideas with. If you are a small business owner and you would like to find out how I can help you and your business, simply get in touch. I will happily answer any questions you have. I look forward to hearing from you!