This may be one of the most valuable posts I have ever written for you!
It’s a very simple idea, which can save you a lot of time AND generate a substantial, new income stream for you and your business.
It started (by accident) a few weeks ago, when I added a page to this blog to promote a new service I offer. The service allows people to hire me for as little as 90 minutes, for help with a specific problem they have.
An unintended, yet massively valuable benefit!
I decided to start using a link to that new service, whenever someone contacted me on social media or via email, with a question that required a detailed, time consuming answer.
The results have been spectacular, which is why I want to share them with you today; in case you want to incorporate the idea into YOUR business.
Here’s how it works
When someone tweets or emails me for advice, they tend to start by saying something like “can I just pick your brains about…”. In my experience, 95% of those people are time wasters: Freebie seekers, who will suck up your time, knowing they have zero intention of paying you (or anyone) for professional help.
However, in the other 5% of cases, these detailed questions come from professional people, who place a commercial value on your time. This valuable 5% are prospective clients and they have responded amazingly, to this new service.
How well?
Simple: I have never attracted as many new clients, in as short a period of time, as I have since I started offering that service to those asking me for detailed, specific advice!
Your time is money. If, like me, you spend time every single day providing free advice, you have to draw a line, where free ends and paid for starts. The line for me is very simple:
- Free advice is based on one to MANY: For example, I write a blog post, which gives free advice to thousands of people.
- Paid for advice is based on one to ONE: For example, I take time away from my business and family, to work on just helping you and your business. I work, you benefit from my expertise.
As a direct result of using that new service to filter those asking me for detailed advice, I have saved a huge amount of time and built a new income stream, from the genuinely interested 5%.
If you find people wasting your time, asking if they can just pick YOUR brain for detailed, free advice, I strongly recommend you consider developing a dedicated pick my brain service, as I have done.
The benefits were immediate and measurable. They could be just the same for you!