What’s the trick; the easy way to get the reward without doing the work?
When you do the right things correctly, you will achieve better results and faster. That’s one of the cornerstones of success. It’s also the opposite of trickery.
The attraction of trickery
Trickery suggests that you can magically achieve the end result, without the need to do the right things correctly. It offers you the promise of $3,000 a month, if you will just send them $30 for their ebook on how it’s done. It offers you the chance to lose weight and get fit, without diet or exercise.
Most mature adults can see through claims like those, yet find it harder to see through the claims made by strangers who email them offering to get them onto page one of Google or get them 1000 Facebook fans. There is a belief among many people, that the Internet is somehow immune to the process of cause and effect, that you can achieve incredible success in an area, without doing much. In fact, I’m sure some people will have followed the link to this post, actually expecting to be given some trick that really would show them how to get everything they want, without even trying!
The reality of trickery
I regularly receive emails from people, who have wasted huge amounts of time and often considerable amounts of money, on marketing related trickery. The most common examples I see, are where people pay someone who emailed them, who promised to instantly increase their search engine rankings through directory submissions. Others have done link exchanges with people they didn’t know, then found their site has been penalized (or de-indexed) by Google, for linking to what Google refers to as a bad neighborhood. One blogger I know saw her Page Rank drop from 4 to 1, after linking to a dubious website in return for a link back.
In short: Before you invest your time or money on anything online, which claims to contain a trick you can use to become instantly wealthier or healthier, please apply the same bullshit filter you use when offline. You may even want to crank that filter up to 11!