Would you like more high quality clients and a predictable flow of targeted, valuable business leads?
Do you find you attract either too few leads or that prospective clients are too cost conscious?
If you just answered yes to either of those questions, you may find this post useful.
So, exactly who is your ideal client?
When I work with a new client, one of the first things we work on is to build a clear picture of exactly what their ideal client profile is and what these high quality prospects need to hear. This allows us to produce powerful, compelling marketing messages, which inspire the right people to take action. It also eliminates the kind of scrambling tactics you see every day, from small business owners who use all the latest online tools, with no idea why it’s failing to generate bankable results.
Here are just a few, very common signs that you need to make your marketing clearer and more relevant to the right people.
Vague networking: You will find yourself developing networks, with the wrong type of people. If you have hundreds or maybe thousands of ‘followers’ on social networking sites, yet you attract few clients, introductions or referrals from all those people, it’s likely you are connecting with the wrong people and missing the right ones.
Poorly targeted marketing messages: If your marketing is failing to generate enough sales or inquiries, it’s a sign that your marketing messages either lack clarity, are being seen by the wrong people or both. For a marketing message to work, you have to know exactly who you are writing for and what they need. Your marketing should offer a targeted message, to the right person, with a compelling reason to get in touch with you. When you do that, it works. This is why I focus on it so heavily with my clients. The results are immediate and measurable.
Attracting cost conscious or fee sensitive leads: If you find prospective clients are particularly cost conscious when you speak with them, it’s a sign that you are attracting the wrong people. Even if you offer exceptional value, by failing to target your ideal profile of client, you will find yourself regularly speaking to those looking for a bargain basement provider. Remember, one of the qualifications needed for someone to be your ideal prospective client, is the ability to pay you what you are worth!
The good news
If one or more of the above applies to you, there’s some good news. When you develop the right strategy, which eliminates all that fuzzy marketing, everything changes.
Get specific
You’re not going to find the strategy you need from any form of general information, such as books, blogs, seminars or courses. These are designed to be of general use to a wide number of people. Your unique situation, resources, marketplace, goals and even your approach to business ALL need to be taken into account, for this to work.
If more than one of those warning signs earlier related to you and your business, I strongly recommend you speak with a proven marketing professional. Start by asking your friends and business contacts if they know someone they can recommend to you – especially if they have worked directly with the person. Alternatively, if you find my work here useful and would like to find out about us working together, you’re very welcome to email me here. You may also find this useful. I’d be happy to share my most effective marketing strategies with you and show you exactly what you need to do.