Einstein famously said: ‘If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.’
Of course, even when we fully understand something, we need to be able to explain it with clarity in order to avoid confusion. That’s what this brief post is all about.
As a business owner, it pays to embrace clarity
Many small business owners use buzz words, industry slang and management speak – creating unnecessary confusion. This is the exact opposite of what we need, if we want people to buy from us, hire us or recommend us.
In marketing, one of the golden rules is, a confused mind always says ‘no!’ When a prospective client or customer is confused and you ask them to make a decision, they will typically say no or avoid the decision.
Here’s the thing: Everything you do, which clarifies your message, will simultaneously increase it’s marketing effectiveness.
Communicate without confusion
Simplify your message.
Aim for clarity.
Embrace brevity.
Remove doubt.