Someone needs to do the dull, uninspiring projects — but it doesn’t have to be you.
Someone has to be another average provider — but it doesn’t have to be you.
Someone always ends up working with pain in the ass clients — but it doesn’t have to be you.
Someone will learn shortly that they have just relived the same old year, over again — but it doesn’t have to be you.
The choice is always yours
Those who find themselves making little progress, doing uninspiring, average work for low quality clients, do so through choice. Always.
- You decide whether to market your business professionally or ‘just take’ whatever comes along.
- You set your own fees.
- You choose which clients you will work with.
- You decide what projects you work on.
Making progress
Your business today is the sum total of the decisions you have made, so far. This means that you can improve any area of your business, by learning how to make better decisions (if you have the time) or by getting expert help (if it’s important enough to you).
Stop accepting less than you deserve
You don’t have to ‘just accept’ working for less than you are worth.
Pain in the ass clients are not just part of being in business.
These are nothing more than the predictable results, of making poor quality business decisions. The moment you start making better decisions, you start seeing better results.
Your starting point?
It always begins with the commitment to no longer accept less than you deserve. Make the decision today to do something… rather than wait and hope for things to just get better.
Hope is essential, however, it’s not a business strategy.