Why do prospective clients decide to use a different provider, even after you’ve clearly explained that your service is a better option for them?
I was thinking about that yesterday, after a friend of mine bought an SUV that carries 7 people. He’s married, with no children. I asked him why he bought such a large vehicle and he replied, “I don’t know. I just really like it”.
The problem with logic
The thing is, many of the purchases we make seem to defy logic. There’s a reason for that. People don’t tend to buy based on logic. Instead, we buy something because of the way we feel. We buy something because of what we believe and the stories we tell ourselves.
If too many of your prospective clients choose competitors, even after you have explained why your service is a better fit for their needs, try focusing less on the logic. Fewer graphs. Fewer numbers. Fewer facts.
Instead, tell them a better story. This will help you get started.