If you’ve been thinking of working with me on my 1 Year Marketing Mentor Program, you’ll find today’s post extremely useful.
Why I’m writing this
I want to help you. Here’s the thing: I get around 130 emails every day from readers. This means it’s no longer possible for me to reply to everyone. If you’d like to find out about working with me, here’s what will guarantee your email gets a reply.
Provide as much information as you can
Around a third of the emails I receive are one sentence long and give me no idea what the emailer wants or needs. Please tell me what your business challenge is and include relevant details, such as how long you have been trading, your location etc. “Hi Jim, I need help, please send a quote” — isn’t enough.
Have a marketing budget
You would be amazed how many emails I receive from people, who tell me that they have either no marketing budget or a tiny budget. I’m not sure why they ask about hiring me when they have no funds. Still, people do exactly that, every working day.
So, why don’t I put a fee on the blog and make things easier?
The reason there’s no fee quoted for my 1 Year Marketing Mentor Program, is because there’s no set fee. The fee varies [literally] from client to client. It’s based on your unique needs and how much of my time I believe you’re likely to require, during our year together.
This allows me to make sure that clients who require less of my time, pay a significantly lower fee.
We’ll need to talk
For reasons outlined above, I can’t quote you a fee by email alone.
If you’re interested in working with me and you’ve provided enough information, the next step is for us to have a brief chat via the phone or Skype. That way, I can answer any questions you have about working with me. I can also find out exactly what you need. This then allows me to quote you your fee, there and then, during our chat.
I hope you found this useful. If you did, I look forward to hearing from you.