Here’s an opportunity for you to gain a significant advantage over many, perhaps most, of your competitors. It’s about something I call attraction marketing.
I was prompted to write this after a business owner contacted me on Twitter. Within 5 minutes, he’d sent me several Direct Messages and then an email… each one asking me if I wanted to know about a business proposition.
The guy is a total stranger to me. All I know about him, is that he’s the kind of person who sends business proposals to strangers.
- He could be a decent and honest man.
- His business proposal could be genuinely valuable.
- He may be scratching his head right now, wondering why no one is interested in his amazing idea.
The thing is, pestering people is extremely ineffective. It’s far more likely to damage his reputation, than it is to make anyone check out his business proposal.
More common than you may think
Whilst you may consider that guy’s approach to be a little extreme, many small business owners make the same kind of mistake with their marketing.
Here are a few common examples:
- They pester us on social networks.
- They fake interest in us at networking events, then hit us with a sales pitch.
- They buy lists and send us spam marketing messages.
- They add us to their newsletter list, without our consent.
- They cold call us at work, when we’re busy.
- They cold call us at home in the evenings, when we’re relaxing with family or friends.
Here’s the thing: Our prospective clients are programmed to ignore selfish requests, from people they don’t know. They actively avoid pests. Because of this, pests tend to get extremely poor results, which causes them to pester even more people, even harder.
If we, as legitimate business owners, adopt any of the pestering tactics used by those guys, we too will encounter the same resistance.
Thankfully, there’s zero need for you or me to pester anyone with our marketing.
Thankfully, we have a way to send people information they have asked us for, which is also commercially beneficial to us.
Thankfully, it’s not that difficult to do!
Smart entrepreneurs get it
The smartest entrepreneurs take a non pestering approach. It looks like this:
- They focus on building relationships with people.
- They strive to be useful.
- They are all about bringing value.
- They look for opportunities to earn [and re-earn] trust.
Once there’s a relationship in place and trust has been established, their messages will be welcomed. Their proposals will be taken seriously.
The marketing power of business blogging and newsletters
Business blogging is the most powerful tool I have ever known for small business owners. Newsletters come a very close second. Both are extremely powerful marketing tools. Each provide us with almost unlimited potential to reach targeted prospective clients or customers. They also allow us to earn the trust of our marketplace, as a recognised expert in our field. No pestering required!
Though you will need a strategy to make this work, the 130 feet view looks a little like this:
- Produce useful information that’s targeted to the wants and needs of your ideal profile of client or customer.
- Make sure there’s a short marketing message, like the one at the foot of this post, so interested people can get in touch with you when they need help.
- Make your post or newsletter interesting and easy to read.
- Do this regularly.
- Soon, your first 5 readers will subscribe.
- They will each get you 5 more.
- This repeats over time.
Do it correctly and hundreds, thousands, maybe tens of thousands of people, will eagerly want to hear what you have to say.
By showing up regularly you have demonstrated your knowledge and eagerness to help. You have also demonstrated your reliability. These combine to help you earn the trust of your readers.
Here’s why this is so valuable to you and your business: Your readers are just like you. They hire [and buy from] people they know, value and trust.
Note: Read this. It will help: 25 Reasons to Write a Business Blog
Attraction marketing
Regardless of the marketing tools a small business owner chooses to use, one thing remains the same. Pestering people for what you want is extremely ineffective. When people push their message at us, we push back. We block or mute their social networking accounts. We delete their emails unread, as soon as we see the sender’s name. We hang up the phone, as soon as we hear them start their pitch. We avoid them at networking events.
So, focus on attracting clients or customers, rather than pestering or pursuing them. Build a reputation, a big reputation, for your expertise and the contribution you make to your marketplace.
Oh, and make it easy for prospective clients or customers to contact you… because after you create an attraction marketing strategy, that’s exactly what they will do.