If you want to generate high quality sales extremely quickly, I have a powerful, proven idea for you. It’s based on a strategy I use with my clients, which has produced amazing results.
It can work for you too. Here’s what you need to know.
It’s based on 3 Facts, plus 1 question
I want you to think about the following 3 facts, regarding your clients or customers:
- These good people trust you.
- They also have an existing trading relationship with you. In other words, they are used to working with you, receiving invoices from you and paying you. They also know you provide them with an excellent service.
- Because of those previous 2 points, making additional purchases from you is seen as low risk or no risk.
Now answer this question:
What additional, useful product or service could you offer to your existing clients or customers?
Here’s why this strategy is so effective
Selling to your existing clients has 2 huge advantages over selling to strangers:
- The process is very quick, because of the 3 facts I just mentioned. This makes it perfect, if you want or need to increase your sales, revenues and profits quickly.
- By offering more high value services to your clients, you become more valued as a provider. This makes them less likely to switch to an alternative provider. So, as well as making your clients more profitable, you also increase your chances of retaining their custom.
The bottom line here is this: If you’re looking for the fastest and least expensive way to generate far higher revenues and profits, this could be it.
If not, it’s pretty darn close.