Leaders lead. That’s what they do.
They don’t tell us they are leaders. They don’t self-proclaim to be leaders in their social media profiles or on the about pages of their websites. Instead, they lead.
Leaders are easy to spot
When everyone else is flapping, looking for someone to lead the way, the leader is the one who steps up. The leader commands our respect.
We all know leaders and in every instance, they don’t need to tell us they are leaders. They literally lead by example.
Leaders are courageous. They stand up for what they believe in. They inspire others by what they do. They’re massively valuable and extremely rare.
Fake leaders are even easier to spot
Instead of leading, the fakers tell us they are leaders and hope no one notices. But we do notice. We see them acting like sheep; sharing leadership quotes on social sites, having their photo taken with leaders… yet never actually leading.
For fake leaders it’s about telling, not showing. It’s about talking and bluster, not action. It’s about self-proclaimed titles, not the respect of their marketplace or community. It’s about following the flock, not leading.
Don’t fall for the great leadership lie
The lesson here is simple. Be suspicious of anyone who self-proclaims that they are a leader. Instead, decide for yourself based on what a person does and what they fail to do.
Leaders lead.
They don’t talk about it.
They do it.