It turns out that everybody in your marketplace has at least 2 things in common.
- They hate being sold to.
- They hate having problems.
The most successful business owners have figured this out. In fact, they’ve taken those pet hates, and used them to develop a powerful, extremely effective growth strategy.
Instead of selling to prospective clients or customers, they help them solve problems. And they do this via the products or services they offer.
Think about it, your business exists in order to solve a problem or a number of problems. Every business does. Therefore, as business owners we should be approaching prospective clients as a problem solver.
This means talking to them, instead of pitching to them. It means listening to their needs, so we get a clear understanding of their problem, then explaining how we can help.
When your marketplace sees you as a source of answers, they’ll regard you as a useful asset. And that changes the whole dynamic of how you do business. You become a massively more attractive proposition. Because we’re drawn to those who can help us or assist us.
In short, doors that were closed to you when you were trying to sell stuff, will fly open when you approach them as a problem solver. And you’ll find people start hiring you or buying from you, without you having to sell anything.