Yesterday morning, I had a very productive Zoom session with a client.
So, why am I sharing this everyday occurrence with you?
The session took place, at his request, despite the fact he has COVID.
Thankfully, he’s fully vaccinated and hasn’t needed to go to hospital. He was well enough to focus on work, albeit in a limited way. So, the session was shorter than usual, however, we managed to achieve a lot towards his 2022 business goals.
My client’s attitude is inspirational. Not just yesterday, but over the 15 years or more that I’ve known him. And that’s what prompted me to write this.
You see, without the right attitude, we set a very low ceiling on our potential.
Attitude is essential
After more than 25 years of working with amazingly successful people, I’ve found (100% of the time) that knowing what to do is only part of the success equation. And a surprisingly small part, too!
Knowledge unused, is knowledge wasted. Even a thousand great business ideas are no match for a lousy attitude.
It’s our attitude regarding what we know, which makes all the difference.
- Our attitude to what we know, is what shapes our decision making.
- Our decision making determines what we do, and what we fail to do.
- It’s what we do and what we fail to do, which determines our results.
If you don’t want 2022 to be a rerun of 2021, focus on your attitude. Look for ways to align it closely with what you want to achieve.
Because when you do, you can achieve almost anything.