You absolutely can get outstanding, immediate, marketing results and there are many ways to do it. I’m going to share some examples with you right here, right now.
Oh, and none of them require paying for advertisements.
Okay. Let’s do it!
Immediate marketing results from your website
Improving the call to action messaging on your website will provide you with immediate results.
For example, recently, on my first marketing session with a new client, I suggested a quick improvement. He implemented it during our session. Before the session ended, he was already looking at a higher percentage of people taking the action he required. That’s what I call immediate, measurable marketing results.
And from your email marketing
Improving the subject line on your marketing emails will massively improve your results, from the moment your emails reach your prospective customer’s inbox!
Bonus: You can see equally fast results, if the copy used for your offer in the email content is improved.
Double bonus: Those two improvements will compound when used together, which can result in spectacular marketing results. So, do both!
And from your store
Improving the messaging on your store’s window display can also have an immediate, powerful impact. For example, my friend’s wife owns a lighting store on a local high street. He asked if I could give her a few marketing tips, as things had been a little too quiet lately. One tip took just 5 minutes. I asked for a piece of card and a Sharpie pen. I wrote on the card, and asked if I could place it in her store’s front window.
Before I left, a new customer came in. He said he’d walked past her store lots of times, but ‘for some reason’ he decided to come in today. The marketing results were immediate. A more permanent version of that same message is still there, and still working today.
Those were examples based on improving your existing marketing.
That’s absolutely great.
However, by ALSO introducing new, high-return marketing tactics into your strategy, you can achieve even more. And the possibilities are only limited by your imagination.
Here are some ideas to get you started. In no particular order.
Immediate results from Joint Ventures
The following examples (I could give you dozens), come from just one marketing tactic! I’m referring to Joint Ventures. As you’ll see, when you make them a part of your marketing, and do it correctly, you’ll regularly enjoy immediate, measurable results.
What is a Joint Venture? It’s an agreement between you, and a person or company whose products or services are complimentary and non-conflicting with your own.
What does complimentary and non-conflicting mean? I’ll use my business as an example.
- I provide marketing services to business owners and marketing professionals, but I don’t provide web design services.
- I could connect with a web designer who builds websites, but doesn’t provide marketing.
- I write a newsletter that’s read by business owners and marketing professionals.
- The web designer also writes a newsletter that’s read by business owners and marketing professionals.
- Each of us could recommend the other in our newsletter, because our services are complimentary.
- And because neither of us sells what the other one sells offers, there’s no conflict.
- Note: I do not do this. It’s just an example to explain the tactic.
The following examples are designed to explain how to use Joint Ventures (JV’s) in your business.
Look at the process being used, NOT the sector / industry of the example. JV’s are applicable to pretty-much every industry.
JVs provide outstanding results, when used in conjunction with public speaking. Here’s an example. I was contacted by the CMO of an accountancy practice. He wanted help with client acquisition. I suggested they put on a Zoom talk for their clients, and invite someone from a complimentary, non-conflicting company to speak. They identified a company that did business with their exact profile of client. I wrote an email for my client, to introduce the opportunity to the potential JV partner. They agreed to give it a go. Two talks were lined up. Each of them had a chance to speak to the other ones audience. It worked really well. Another example of immediate marketing results.
One of the most popular uses of JV’s, is when YouTubers or podcasters invite other YouTubers or podcasters onto their show. The invited person gains exposure to their host’s audience, which can dramatically, and quickly, increase their own audience numbers. They then do the same for the person who hosted them. Both of them see immediate, measurable marketing results.
Immediate marketing results across the board
Once you understand how JVs work, you see opportunities everywhere.
That’s why you need to forget about the industries I’ve mentioned here and the type of JVs used, and focus only on the process to create high-performance JVs.
When you do, you’ll see how companies that install new windows and doors can do Joint Ventures with home security providers, just by recommending one another. In the same way, veterinarians can do Joint Ventures with artists who specialize in pet portraits, or pet photography. And sales trainers can do Joint Ventures with communication trainers. And tree surgeons with grass cutting companies, and locksmiths with carpenters…
You get the idea.
Immediate results. No paid ads
Notice anything about the examples throughout this article? That’s right! None of them required you to buy advertising. You don’t need to buy the attention of your prospective clients or customers, AND ads are way less effective than the 100 plus tactics I use.
So, get your thinking cap on. With a the right planning and some creativity, you never know what kind of immediate marketing results you too could achieve.