If the work you’re doing right now feels comfortable, it’s almost certainly not moving your business forward. It’s not helping you make meaningful progress and not leading you toward the attainment of your goals.
Because your best work never feels comfortable. Here’s what your best work looks like.
- It’s the kind of work that forces you to grow into the person who can take your business up a level.
- It’s the kind of work that inspires you to make better decisions.
- It’s the kind of work that gives you energy and makes you feel truly alive.
- It’s the kind of work that attracts the clients or customers you want.
- It’s the kind of work that gives you a sense of real optimism.
- It’s the kind of work that causes you to make exciting plans for your future.
Look at that list. Now, ask yourself if the work you’re doing is honestly your best work. And just as importantly, if you’re not doing your best work, find out what’s blocking you.