We rarely find a business that answers their support phone line as fast as their sales phone line.
We rarely find a business that treats customers as individuals, with individual requirements.
We rarely find a business that is willing to demonstrate true leadership in its sector or industry.
We rarely find a business that has the courage to innovate.
We rarely find a business that shows genuine respect for the environment.
We rarely find a business that offers a uniquely valuable service.
We rarely find a business that sets self-imposed deadlines and consistently achieves them.
We rarely find a business that under-promises with its marketing messages.
The opportunity
What’s even rarer, is to find a business doing all [or even most] of the above. When we do, they attract our attention, they earn our custom and they gain our loyalty. Plus, we tell everyone about them. That’s a massively valuable combination.
It’s important to remember that everything your business does is marketing; an opportunity for you to create a powerful, commercial impact.