Give this a try.
- Think of some amazing things, which you would LOVE your marketplace to be telling their friends about your business.
- Write those amazing things down.
- Next, put a plan together of what you will need to do, in order for your marketplace to say those amazing things.
- Finally, get to work on your plan.
This is a switch of focus, from the vast majority of advice on getting referrals.
Most referral advice is about how to motivate others to recommend your services or products to their friends and contacts. How to change their behaviour.
This advice is focused on you taking direct control. It’s about you crafting an experience, which makes people want to recommend your services or products.
People are naturally hardwired to communicate with each other. When we give our marketplace an experience worth talking about, that’s exactly what they do.
The wonderful thing about this, is that it means your referral stream is always, always under your direct control.