Today, I’m going to give you an unfair advantage over your competitors.
I was just 29 years old when I started my first business. So I made darn sure to seek out as much advice and as many tips as possible, from those with lots more experience. That’s when I discovered what I’m about to share with you.
It’s so effective, I’ve used it with great success ever since!
It came from my first accountant, back in the 1990’s. He suggested I work 1-hour a day longer, than the average for my profession. This is what he himself did, and it gave him what he called “an unfair advantage” over his competitors.
I did as he suggested and the results were amazing.
Your unfair advantage
Here’s how it works, in just 3 steps.
- I’m an early bird, so I chose to start work an hour earlier than others in my profession. You can equally add your hour to the end of the day, or add 30-minutes to the start of your day and 30-minutes to the end.
- I would finish around the same time as them, so I just worked 1-hour more.
- The pay-off: Over the period of a working year, this gives you an additional 6 weeks (based on the typical 40-hour working week). That’s an amazing one and a half months worth, of extra, highly-productive time, to produce, create and deliver for your clients or customers.
The positive impact on my results came fast and were easy to measure.
But that’s not all.
You automatically get another unfair advantage
Yes, it genuinely helped me get a lot more done. But it helped in another way, too.
By knowing I was working while my counterparts were not, it provided me with an instant, mental advantage. It made me feel that I was more committed, more motivated and more driven than them. This may not have been true, but the inspiration it gave me, and still gives me today, is absolutely true.
If you’re in a tight spot right now or just want to give your business a sustainable, measurable lift, I strongly recommend you give yourself this unfair advantage!