If your marketing is not attracting enough paying clients or customers, I have an idea to share with you. It’s based on a strategy I use with my clients and the results are amazing.
It starts with a foundational truth of marketing.
You can make a fortune if you market to the right kind of people. However, you will waste time and money, if you market to the wrong kind of people.
So, who should you be marketing to? And why?
Allow me to explain.
Ignore the uninterested
No matter how great your service is, people who are delighted with their current provider are highly unlikely to switch to you. That’s because they’re not looking for a new provider. They’re simply not interested in dumping a service, which they trust and are extremely happy with.
We call the people who are not in the market for your services, the uninterested. Whilst it is possible to sell to those with no interest, it’s an extremely low leverage activity.
It’s also totally unnecessary.
Focus on the unhappy
It makes a great deal more sense to focus on those who are eagerly looking for a new provider. We call these people the unhappy. They are actively in the market for what you’re offering. They’re ready to make a purchasing decision. They are the exact type of motivated buyers your business needs. I wrote this post about how to get your prospects’ urgent attention and immediate action, which you might find helpful.
Certainly, build an awareness of how great your service is. Make it easy for people to find you, when their relationship with their current provider sours. That goes without saying. However, if you want to quickly connect with people who will give you their full attention AND who are ready to hire you or buy from you now, create a marketing strategy that focuses on attracting the unhappy.
This is a specialist area of marketing and not suitable for dabbling with. But when you acquire the correct strategy, it’s hugely more financially rewarding than the typical, let’s see who responds to our marketing, approach.