If you’re a service provider, your income is based on just 2 things.
1. The value you bring. This is what determines how much your clients pay you. Between the best paid and the lowest paid, there can be a factor of 10x and often much more. Much more? Absolutely. My friend hired a photographer for a product shoot in London recently. The person he hired charged £17,000 for the shoot. The lowest quote for the same shoot, was just over £900.
2. How effectively you market the value you bring. This is what attracts the attention of your prospective clients. It’s what communicates your value in a way that motivates people to hire you.
Each of those areas can be improved. And by focusing on both areas, they leverage one another. When this happens, it radically improves everything for you.
Leveraged for spectacular results
That’s right. You get the financial reward of charging 5x, 10x, 20x… or whatever. Plus you’re also attracting more clients. These combine and compound. The results are transformational.
The best part?
All of this is possible, by focusing your attention and activity on just 2 things.
Business owners who work on those areas correctly, don’t just improve their results. They dramatically improve their results. So, refuse to settle for less than you deserve. Increase your value and then market it effectively.