In just a few weeks time, we will be half way through the year. So, how’s things? Are you on track to hit or smash your 2023 goals?
If you would like a little help, you’ll find this useful. It’s something I’ve shared with thousands of fellow small business owners over the years. It’s 7 essentials we need to regularly remind ourselves of, if we want to build a successful business.
- Don’t wait for permission. You don’t need it, so you’re free to get started.
- Don’t wait for inspiration to appear. Command it to appear.
- Don’t wait for the right opening. Create it.
- Don’t wait for someone to pick you. Pick yourself.
- Don’t wait for the perfect time. The time is never perfect.
- Don’t wait for the initiative. Take it.
- Don’t wait for opportunity to knock. Go and build a door.
All 7 of those essentials can be compressed into 1. It’s simply this: Don’t wait for things to happen. Decide what you want to achieve, then get moving.
That’s the only way to take control of your results and get from where your business is right now, to where you want it to be.
The question is, what exactly are you waiting for?
That isn’t a rhetorical question. If you’re not enjoying the level of success you want, there is definitely something that’s blocking you. This is guaranteed to help you find it. And fast!
There’s a world of opportunity out there, which is yours (yes yours) for the taking. So get moving.