One of the most common marketing challenges facing business owners is also one of the most serious. I’m referring to a lack of regular client enquiries or sales leads.
Today, I’m going to show you a key reason why this happens, and how you can overcome it.
I need to start by asking you something: Why do prospective clients call you, email you or ask you questions?
The answer can be summed up in just one word. Curiosity.
It’s their curiosity that motivates them to get in touch with you. This means it’s their curiosity that provides you with business enquiries. So, if you want more enquiries, your task is to make them more curious.
Hold that thought for a moment.
Now, do a quick review of your marketing materials and just look at how many questions you answer about the services you provide. This is really, really important.
Because with each question answered, you reduce a prospective client’s curiosity. You make them less likely, then unlikely, to contact you with an enquiry. You proactively lose yourself the super-valuable sales leads your business needs.
The balance you want to strike, is to give them ‘just enough’ information to make them curious. Just enough information to motivate them to contact you for answers or advice.
Just enough information, so you get all those sales leads or client enquiries that you’re currently missing out on.