It’s highly likely that your marketing relies way too much on logic. If so, that logic can absolutely ruin your sales results.
Allow me to explain.
Here’s an example you already know extremely well. I’m talking about coffee shops. Consider the following.
- People don’t visit coffee shops for the coffee.
- They already have coffee at home.
- They pay between 300% and 750% more for coffee at the coffee shop, because of how the experience makes them feel.
Logically, they’d save a ton of money by drinking their coffee at home, sitting in their own super-comfortable chair.
But people, including your prospective clients or customers, don’t make purchasing decisions based on logic. They largely make them based on feelings. I explain how emotions drive decisions, here.
If your marketing message is based around facts, numbers, graphs, percentages… that’s way too logical. And it’s possibly losing you a lot of money. Your service or product may be less expensive, more premium, faster, or better designed. All those things are valid reasons why you should gain a huge chunk of your marketplace.
However, are you also explaining how your service or product will make your prospective customers feel?
If not, then start.
Because logic tells. But feeling sells.
In his book “How Customers Think“, Harvard Business School professor, Gerald Zaltman, confirms that emotions/feelings contribute far more to decision-making than conscious, rational thought.
The switch from marketing based on logic to marketing based on feelings is not just important. It’s essential. I hope this short post has caused you to think about a more feelings based approach to your 2024 marketing. More importantly, I hope it motivates you to, at least, test it and compare your results.
Photo by Jon Tyson