I live in a small village, in an area known for its natural beauty. We occasionally have people walk past our home, who are on their holidays. They see the open fields, the winding canal and the streams that snake their way through the village, and occasionally tell me;
“You’re very lucky to live in such a beautiful place.”
As with most things in life, luck had nothing to do with where I live. In order to move from London, where many of my friends were and where 100% of my clients were based, required a huge amount of planning, financial investment and hard work. I had to totally redesign my business model and leave the city, where I grew up and had lived almost all of my life.
Planning and action
As a marketing professional, I see people every day, who are hoping that they will get lucky one day and suddenly attract the income and lifestyle from their business that they have always wanted. Their marketing is ineffective, their sales are disappointing and yet they decide to carry on by themselves, so nothing changes. Sure, they work really hard, but hard work is not the secret of success; if it were our grandparents would all have been millionaires! We have to be smarter than that.
If you know someone, who is working hard but not getting the results they want from their business, tell them not to wait for things to “just get better.” In my experience, the world doesn’t work like that. Every successful business and person I have ever studied, achieved their success through careful planning and taking action to make those plans real.
When we do the right things correctly, it’s amazing how our luck changes!
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