The worst thing you can do if your car is stuck in the mud, is to accelerate harder and harder. Far from getting you free, it actually gets you deeper in trouble. In the same way, if you are using a form of marketing incorrectly and you decide to “fix it” by pushing it harder and harder on people, you can similarly make things increasingly worse for yourself.
For example, if you are sending ineffective marketing emails to people and getting a poor response, so decide to send them out more and more regularly hoping to get some business from them, you will simply start angering the people you’re writing too. Slamming people with poorly thought out marketing like that, can see you listed as a spammer and seriously damage your reputation!
Likewise, I think we have all seen those people on Twitter, who are always asking their followers to ReTweet links to their website or blog posts, (Pls RT) hoping to increase traffic. That may be a great way to quickly show everyone you are desperate for business, but it will do little to inspire confidence in you or your services.
The answer is simple: Develop a marketing strategy that works – Then work that strategy. In other words, do the right things correctly, rather than throwing more of what doesn’t work out there, hoping the numbers will save you.