So, are you a carrier of the encouragement virus?
If you genuinely believe someone has what it takes, don’t keep it a secret. Don’t just assume they already know. Many people have the ability to achieve wonderful things, but sadly need outside validation before they get started.
Your words may be just the encouragement they need, to get going and do something great.
What if they fail?
If they fail, at least they tried. That in itself, is important. Really important! There are few things worse, than looking back on your life and wondering “what if?” If they fail after you encourage them and they are bright, they will adjust and then try again. Repeating that often enough will almost guarantee they succeed!
Of course, to have the biggest positive impact on the world around you, you need to give yourself permission to step outside of your own comfort zones too. Don’t wait for someone else to tell you that you are good enough to; start that business, ask that person for a date, enter that competition, start that blog, etc. YOU are a big deal!
Outside voices are useful and important, but you shouldn’t waste your life waiting for the approval of someone else, before you get started.