There are 2 questions you should ask yourself, because they have a huge impact on what you will achieve, both in business and life in general. Here they are, along with an explanation why old ways won’t open new doors.
Let’s start by looking at those 2 questions:
- What do I want?
- What am I prepared to do, to get what I want?
What do I want?
Many people waste years spinning their wheels, because they don’t really know what they want from their business or their life. Instead of living life by design, they go from day to day reacting. They often find themselves a part of other people’s plans. Working hard for clients and customers, yet making little real progress in their own business.
Trying to reach your potential without a plan is like trying to reach a destination, when you have no address and no map!
Take some time to think about what you want. Success for you should be based on what matters most to you and what gives you your greatest sense of well-being. As the ideas start to flow make sure you capture them. Write everything down. Add as much detail as possible. Don’t worry about it being perfect. It’s your first draft. It’s something you will need to adjust over time. The key thing is to get started.
This process will immediately help you gain more clarity on your destination, allowing you to draw the map.
What am I prepared to do, to get what I want?
The title of this post, old ways won’t open new doors, is an age-old saying. It advises us in just 6 words, that if we want something new we must be prepared to do something new. This is challenging. However, it’s also essential, because nothing improves until we improve.
As Einstein said; Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
So, what are you prepared to do? What improvements are you prepared to make to your strategy, your philosophy and your mindset?
I can’t answer those questions for you, but I can give you some sound advice. When the vision you have is compelling enough, it pulls you. You don’t need to push yourself. You will do what’s required.
If you’d like to achieve at a totally new level, dedicate some time today to answering those questions. You’ll be amazed how much easier it is to plan ahead with confidence, when you know exactly where you’re going. You’ll also be amazed at how much more energy and motivation you have.
In short, when old ways won’t open new doors for you, it’s time to try something better. Something new.