I want to talk to you about something really important today. I want to talk to you about overcoming fear.
Here’s the thing: Fear stops intelligent business owners from doing what they know they should do. It stops them from creating a uniquely valuable service. It stops them from charging what they are worth. It stops them from rejecting low quality clients. It stops them from standing out and getting noticed.
We can study how business works, read the books, attend the seminars. However, nothing much happens until we overcome the fear. Because fear blocks us from moving forward.
Yes, we
I very deliberately say we, because I feel that fear too. I think we all do.
Where some of us differ from others, is that we learn how to dance with the fear. We develop strategies, which stop fear from causing us to make bad decisions. We then free ourselves to make the improvements we know we need to make. And our businesses move forward.
How do you find the strategy that will work for you?
In my experience, and I’ve helped hundreds of people overcome their fear, there’s no single, universal answer. Everybody is different. Different people require different strategies.
One thing everybody has in common, is that our business (and life) is improved beyond measure, when we learn how to conquer our fear.
I was prompted to write about this, after hearing from someone, who I helped overcome her fear just a few months ago. She outlined the improvements she has made to her business, now that fear was no longer blocking her from making the right decisions. It was inspirational to see the progress she has made.
Sure, I can help you too. The bigger point is that I want you to focus on overcoming your fear. However you do it. It’s the key that unlocks your full potential and allows you to move forward with clarity, enthusiasm and confidence.