It’s simply this: In business the winners get moving.
Here’s why those 6 words are critically important to the success of your business.
- Every business owner has ideas and occasionally great ideas.
- Every business owner is presented with opportunities to succeed.
- Every business owner can choose to be a leader.
- Every business owner can instigate, rather than wait for someone else to move.
- Every business owner has potential to be better today than they were yesterday.
- And every business owner has the same 24-hours available to them every day.
It’s what we DO that counts.
- Not our intentions.
- Not our network of business contacts.
- Not our cutting edge technology.
- Not our plans.
- Not our targets.
- Not our qualifications.
- Not our competitive edge.
- Not our ingenuity.
- Not our skills.
Intelligent action always precedes success. That’s why in business, the winners get moving.