How excited are you about your business?
Here’s why I’m asking. It matters. It really, really matters. That’s because people notice. They notice when you’re enthusiastic and just as importantly, they notice when you’re going through the motions.
The thing about enthusiasm
Enthusiasm is highly contagious: When someone talks to us with enthusiasm, we feed off their excitement. We lean forward and pay attention. We feel more confident about them. It’s a positive experience, which leaves a powerful impression on us.
A lack of enthusiasm is equally contagious: When someone talks to us about their business with too little enthusiasm, we feed off their lack of interest. We politely nod. Our interest drops. There’s no energy. We soon forget them and whatever they said.
We can’t expect our customers, contacts or the marketplace in general to be enthusiastic about our business, if we’re not. It starts with us. So, don’t hide your excitement. Don’t keep it a secret. Let it shine through everything you do.