- Who are you allowing to influence your business decisions and have they earned that position?
- What’s the single biggest hurdle to your success right now (and what do you plan to do about it)?
- How can you make it feel less risky, for people to hire you or buy from you? This will help.
- Do you have a strategy in place, to find out why time-wasters respond to your marketing?
- What’s the biggest threat facing your prospective clients in 2019 and how are you helping them prepare for it?
- Do your clients recommend you regularly enough and if not, how do you plan to improve things? This will help.
- Can you name the most influential person in your industry and if so, have you introduced yourself to them?
- Is your marketing motivating and useful or does it read like a sales pitch? Tip: People hate being sold to! This will help.
- If 2019 is already starting to look like a repeat of 2018, how long will you wait before you make the improvements required?
- Have you considered offering a premium version of your services, for high value prospective clients who are eager to pay more, for the ‘extra’? This will help.
- If you ceased trading tomorrow, how tricky would your clients find it to replace your service?
- Does your branding create a powerful and professional image of your business, which your marketplace trusts?
- Does your marketing inspire enough urgency or are you leaving money on the table every day?
- How different are you from your competition? This will help.
- Is your business providing you with the lifestyle you want? If not, are you lowering your expectations or working on a plan to massively improve your financial situation?