You offer a great product or service. You’re passionate about what you do. You work hard. And you work smart, too.
So, why are some of your less capable competitors doing better than you?
We know it’s not the industry you’re in, because others are doing great right now. We know it’s not the marketplace, because others are doing great right now. And we know it’s not the government, for the very same reason.
So what’s the answer?
Here’s the long answer
They may sell the result of what they do, rather than sell the service they provide. They might get the same number of leads as you, but they’re trained at how to turn prospects into paying clients. Their email marketing could be expertly created, generating red-hot leads on a regular basis. Their marketing strategy could be professionally developed, so they get tons more high-quality enquiries or leads. They might have developed a massively more compelling reason for people to hire them. Perhaps they’ve taken time to learn what keeps the best prospects awake at night worrying, and then marketed their service as the answer. Or one of the hundreds of other proven ideas or tactics out there.
But it’s more likely to be a small, unique mix of proven tactics from the hundreds available.
A small mix of tactics, very deliberately chosen because it fits perfectly into their highly-effective strategy. Like those I create with my clients to help them rise to the top of their marketplace, so they have the perfect plan for what they want to achieve.
Here’s the short answer
Success doesn’t care!
That’s it.
Seriously. Success doesn’t give a rat’s ass who does great and who struggles.
So if a 2nd rate competitor decides to do the things required for sales success, explosive growth and higher profits, their business will succeed. And it will succeed every time.
Think of it like this.
Imagine a door that has a combination lock. If you use the correct 7 number combination, the door will open for you. If I use the correct combination, it will also open for me. That’s because the door doesn’t care. Press the right numbers in the correct order and you’re in!
Business success is the same. If you do the right combination of things correctly you’ll succeed. That’s because success doesn’t care. Success simply responds to what you do.