If you or someone you know is experiencing a serious business problem, you might find this useful.
I had a chat recently with an old friend of mine. He told me that for the past few months, he’d been seriously struggling with what he described as an urgent, major business crisis. I gave him some advice and yesterday, he called me with an update. In short, his situation is now fully resolved.
Like everyone I have given that same advice to, he said things started to improve within minutes. Today, I’m going to share the exact same advice with you.
When my friend explained what his problem was, I told him to write a list of resources that might be able to help resolve his situation, and then to action each item on the list. The core benefit came before he started working on the listed items.
I’m not a psychologist and can’t be certain exactly why this is so effective, but here’s what I’ve seen happen, over and over again.
It seems that writing the list takes you from a passive, maybe even helpless state, to an industrious state. It improves your attitude. It improves your resourcefulness. It improves your optimism. It improves your motivation and so much more. All this combines to greatly improve your chances of success.
What I find amazing, is that you get these benefits before you take action on the list items. This equips you to be at your very best, precisely when your business needs your very best.