Photo Finn Hackshaw
Today, I’m going to share a marketing idea with you that helped me increase a client’s sales results by just over 180% in 5 months.
It can be summed up in 3 words: Assess. Improve. Execute.
Here’s how it works.
The first step to boosting your sales results is to assess your current situation. I spent some time digging into my client’s sales and marketing process and identified her company’s primary problem. It turned out they offered a superb service and when prospects learned about it, they absolutely loved it. The problem was that they were getting too few chances to demo their service. This means I needed to radically increase the number of high-quality client leads they attracted.
Once we identified the root of her problem, it was time to improve things and free my client to dramatically increase her company’s sales results.
There were a number of areas in my client’s marketing that were under-performing. This is why she wasn’t generating the volume of high-quality enquiries she needed. She knew her marketing wasn’t working the way she needed it to. But like many business owners, my client assumed the enquiries they attracted were about average in number and quality. She was wrong on both fronts. A common mistake, which had been needlessly losing the company a fortune.
By making a small number of essential improvements at the very beginning, we were able to considerably increase her results. And fast. Really fast.
I remember the easiest adjustment I made, was to improve the focus of their sales message. It had previously focused on what their business did, how great their service was and how amazing their team was. It’s a common mistake.
If your marketing has a similar focus, it’s a bad, bad idea!
And here’s why.
No one buys a service or a product. They buy the result. For example, you don’t buy exercise equipment. You buy looking good and feeling great. So, sell the result of investing in your service.
Anyhow, we then dug a little deeper and uncovered a series of similarly untapped, windfall opportunities.
One of them was for me to transform their website into a lead generating machine, by improving their marketing copy. I needed it to make prospects on their site feel massively more curious.
Curious? Why curious, Jim?
Think about it. Every client or customer enquiry you have ever had, or will ever receive, only happened because that person needed to know something. So, if you want your marketing to attract massively more leads, it needs to create more curiosity… and answer fewer questions.
Previously, their website tried to answer as many questions as possible. I rewrote their marketing and made sure it provided just enough information.
Just enough information to inform the prospect and ignite their curiosity.
Just enough information to compel, to motivate and to inspire eager prospects to contact them with a high-quality enquiry.
We wrapped these ideas into a plan, along with half a dozen other tactical improvements. Now we were good to go!
Oh man! Without doubt, this is the stage that excites me most. This is why I do what I do.
It’s where we execute on the newly-improved marketing and measure the feedback. There’s something wonderful about the energy I get from clients, as they see their business performing the way they always wanted it too. And often far, far better.
Assess. Improve. Execute. Focus like a laser on those 3 steps and watch your business grow.