It’s a fact: Great ideas alone are of little use.
They only acquire value, when you use them!
One of the biggest blocks to commercial success, is the inability to take the action required for what you want to achieve. Everyone in business can do the easy stuff; however, very few business owners are prepared to discipline themselves to do the tricky, challenging things that are required for success.
When people ask me how I dragged myself out of the gutter into a life of abundance, (BTW: here’s what I used to call home!) I tell them that I read some great books and then put every great idea I discovered into action.
When I think of every successful person I know, from my long time friend, the grammy award-winning writer / producer Bruce Elliott-Smith through to people I have worked with at The BBC, like Lara King and on to every successful businessperson I have worked with, they are ALL people of action. They get an idea and they use it.
That kind of self motivation is in stark contrast to what you and I see around us each day. Typically, people will do what’s easy, rather than what’s right. Business owners, for example, will often know that there are important things that need to be done, yet they will avoid doing them because they are too hard to do and so easy NOT to do. The challenge with that approach is that it’s broken. It doesn’t work.
I was prompted to write this brief post, after hearing someone on the radio earlier say that: “When all is said and done, there’s a lot more said, than done!” How very true. I hear people discussing amazing plans and opportunities all the time, yet see very few actually putting plans into action.
If you think you would benefit from learning how to motivate yourself (and others) I have an audio program you should check out. I wrote and recorded it specifically for people who want to learn how to put their plans and ideas into action. It’s based on the same set of tools that I used to transform my life and has been used by people in over 100 countries, without a single money back request. You can grab a copy here, download it and be listening to me share these ideas and techniques with you in minutes.
Give your best plans and ideas the chance to succeed that they deserve, by putting them into action. You will be amazed at the results.
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