There’s a big difference between knowing what needs to be done and doing what needs to be done. That’s because information, (even great information) by itself is useless, without the motivation to use it.
There’s an interesting post on, where Darren Rowse shares how it was not until his wife gave him an ultimatum, that he turned his blog into a full-time business.
Darren already knew what he needed to do and he had bundles of ability. However, none of that was getting him the results he and his wife needed, until he became motivated enough to take action.
That’s because knowledge is not power
One of the most inaccurate common sayings is; “knowledge is power.”
Knowledge is not power – it only acquires power when you elect to do something with it. For example, knowing how to speak Japanese has no ‘power’ for you whatsoever, unless you use that knowledge in some way. You can use that skill to reach a brand new marketplace with your product or service – but if you decide after mastering the language, never to speak or read it again, nothing will happen.
Knowing and doing
On my motivation master class audio program, I mention a guy I met, who had recently lost his business; running up massive debts in the process. I met him at his home, and immediately noticed that his bookshelves were packed with the most powerful, highly-acclaimed marketing books and CD’s on the market. His collection must have been worth thousands.
I asked him if he had not found the material in these books of any value, as the primary reason he went broke was a lack of sales. He explained that he had read or listened to all of them, but had not been motivated enough to use what he had learnt until it was too late.
In my experience, his situation is not that uncommon. Some people will scour the Internet for sites that have valuable advice, which they then do nothing with. They love to read about new, powerful marketing ideas but they do nothing with them.
By the way, you can download a copy of my Motivation Master Class audio program here, which shows you how to motivate yourself (and others) to take action. (It runs for just under 2 hours!)
Whatever line of business you are in, don’t simply gather marketing advice and find it interesting – Use it!